Monday, February 29, 2016

A Toronto Pavel..

Well, not surprised to pull a Pavel card from the Santa Lot, but expect I will see some Bure cards later as the only one from this is even better (at least for my collection):


Pavel had some decent seasons in Toronto, but spent most of them with the Lightning beforehand.

The rest

The Searcy card is O Pee Chee - the 1991 baseball sets for Topps and O PeeChee were ones that bother me because the only difference between the two is the production name on the back, and the fact the back of the O Pee Chee cards was much brighter that the Topps counterpart. Being in Canada, and as a kid, not knowing this, I thought I was close to completing a set when in fact I had about 40% of two different sets - something I didn't notice until years later and was disappointed by.

As for the upper deck cards, a couple nice Penguins, only thing that would have better for the team would be to have a Crosby card as well...maybe letter.


Nice to see some more Steve Nash cards - anyone collect cards of Canadians and interested?

Summary (through 1060 cards):

Specific Accomplishments:

- Completed 2007-08 Upper Deck McDonald's Checklist Subset (6 cards)





Austin Powers


Star Wars







Inserts / Var Kept



















Doubles Inserts / Var




Sunday, February 28, 2016

Pack Attack - Oh what the heck - even if they are French...

So one of the packs I got from the Championship hockey assorted collection, I glanced at and saw it was 1991-92 Pro Set Series 1. I have the completed set and figured maybe I'd just donate it off to someone. When I picked it up this morning to figure out where to send it, I finally noticed - it is from the French series. Against my better judgement, I figured I would open in since:
1) I don't have many Leafs from the set
2)  I don't plan to collect the set so I can pawn off the cards to team collectors anyway versus trying to get rid of a French pack of cards
3) There are 15 cards in the pack so chances are I will get at least one Leaf...right?....right?!?!?

Oh and side note - I will not collect unopened French card packs....I have to draw the line somewhere, and doing that would open up packs in any non-English language I think...and that is too far a net to spread...

So yeah - I got screwed - not a single Leaf. One card I will keep in my errors and variations will be the Paul Cyr which is an uncorrected error card. Not all bad as the Sundin card and all stars are fine and well - just not what I personally was looking for. Oh well, maybe the next pack out will be better - in the mean time, anyone want so French junk wax? Maybe I can use these for packing material....or at least the Montreal ones...

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Pack Attack - I Pledge Allegiance...wait - different Oath?

Yes, I made that joke even though I am not American...

So the Oath of the Gatewatch expansion set came out about a month or so ago. I finally managed to go to the card store and pick up a couple packs. Typically, I pick up 3 packs (for $12 tax included at 401 Games - compared to $5.92 plus tax at Wal-Mart, I can't find a better price) and the three packs have different art, so I keep the three for the unopened pack collection.

This time, instead of specifying I figured, if I get a duplicate pack art cover, I'd just open a pack and share it on the blog if nothing else.

So, here are the three packs:

Sweet - two for keeps, and one to open! In a perfect world, I'll open this pack, get an artifact card and something I can sell or trade in to "get my money pack" on the pack. Taking a quick look down the prices of the cards - a handful of mystic rares and such cards which would net my money back, so possible, but not likely - and not many artifacts in the set either.

I'd get into what Magic is, but you likely have a sense if you are still reading - probably are a fan or player/collector too. So in almost no particular order...

Awesome, there is the artifact I was hoping to get. May be a common, but I'll take it.

Nice to see elementals haven't changed much since back in the time of playing when Revised was released. Big power, decent casting cost, but with a weakness.

Had to read up on the fact that they Battle of Zendikar lands in each expansion set of this block. I'm not a fan of the full art picture, but mostly because I am not a fan of change. I dislike the fact artifacts were moved from brown border colour to grey ("colourless").

And the last card of the pack (the "rare" position):

May not have been foil, but this is on of the big mythic rares of the set - already looking to sell it, and should be able to get back most of the $12, if not more, that I spent to get the three packs. Awesome pull, and lucked out to get it. Pretty nice card for play, just not one I care about keeping given it doesn't fit my collection.

So overall, great pack, couldn't ask for more, and as for the set - some interesting cards, but man, I could go off on this whole colourless mana and mana of any colour difference they have now created, especially given there are now cards with different mana casting costs that are colourless mana, but not artifacts....anyway - enough of that...for now.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Holy football!

Well - this seems to be the exact opposite of the last Santa Lot post...

Here is the only card that I will be keeping (only one hockey or baseball card) - atleast it is a decent one!

The rest
Here is a lot of 1991 Upper Deck football cards. Unfortunately the chunk was stuck together on one side of the cards a little bit which caused a bit of damage to a number of the cards in taking them apart unfortunately. They could at least be placeholders for someone set collecting I presume if wanted. The holographic card is pretty neat and at the time was new technology - scary....The scan itself isn't too bad though (though you can't read the name Earnest Byner at all).

Summary (1040 cards):

Specific Accomplishments:

- Completed 2007-08 Upper Deck McDonald's Checklist Subset (6 cards)





Austin Powers


Star Wars







Inserts / Var Kept



















Doubles Inserts / Var




Thursday, February 25, 2016

To err or not to err

Some new sets seen in this Santa Lot 20...


I've been trying to tell if the Suppan card is a printing error as it does appear as if the ink blotched and is actually raised in the centre, with a bit of stain through on the back, plus the fact it is miscut (not centred, no white border at the top or on the back). I think I will count it as an error for now, but it may be debatable. As for the 2007-8 Upper Deck Mini Jersey set, interesting cards, but given it is referred to as a mini set, would have been neat to see them in a smaller card size. The checklist is apparently an insert, so we will count it as such.

The rest

Some more of the Mini Jersey set seen above, fairly basic design. The baseball Topps Heritage cards are nice and think, love the feel, hoping there is more to be found.


Not much in the traders group on this one which is a good thing, just one double and a redemption card - no basketball or football - doubt we can keep that up though...

Summary (1020 cards):
Specific Accomplishments:
- Completed 2007-08 Upper Deck McDonald's Checklist Subset (6 cards)
Hockey Baseball Basketball Football Austin Powers ET Star Wars Rocky KISS Clue
Toronto 19 2                
Inserts / Var Kept 42 3                
Error 1                
Keep 280 30                
Doubles/Sell 86 4 182 91 224 7 5 2 3 1
Doubles Inserts / Var 8 8 22            

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Card 1000 brings back an old...foe?

Santa Lot 20 for today see the return of an someone we saw very early on...considering I am looking for sports cards - I'd call him a foe...


For all the complaining I have done about gum damage on 1990-1991 O Pee Chee Russian insert cards, nice to get a few absolutely clean ones...from the next year of course, but I will take it!


Curse you Austin for showing your face around here again. I really didn't need to see any more of him....My worst nightmare would be getting a complete set of the cards as I would find it harder to get rid of. Maybe I should just randomly insert Austin Power cards when I send trades, sort of a calling card. Except that may stop me from having any more trading partners....

The rest

Br A Player has always been an oddball design to me each year, and this one is no different. I had not seen it before. I don't hate it, as it is atleast different, and I can read it so it isn't horribly ugly, a bit too computer techie look to it though.


As always, just call dibs on anything you see that I can send you - though I may wait it out to see if I end up with a complete the Ultra 2004-05 Basketball set, but I already have a number of doubles of the cards I have picked so far.

I appreciate all the readers and anyone who has made comments so far - thank you for taking your time, and always feel free to leave comments and thoughts - I will read and respond to all.

Summary (through 1000 cards):

Specific Accomplishments:

- Completed 2007-08 Upper Deck McDonald's Checklist Subset (6 cards)





Austin Powers


Star Wars







Inserts / Var Kept


















Doubles Inserts / Var




Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Remembering and Thanking

A not so happy but special post today. Early on when I started collecting, my grandfather was one who helped me get into collecting. I remember as a kid, we spent Saturdays at the Grandparents house. I would be dropped off, my mom and Grandmother would go do grocery shopping, I would spend the morning with Grandpa (my sister would either go shopping or stay). Anyway, my mom would typically bring back a pack of cards and I would open it with Grandpa and see what we had.

It, as well as playing Uno were two of the major memories throughout childhood that I remember with my Grandpa. We were close until I spent less time after going off to university, and in recent years though we would talk occasionally by phone, we would see each other (and my grandparents would see their great-grandchildren every other month or so. Although we didn't see each other as often as in childhood, it was just a change in the relationship, but still felt close. Sports was always a discussion point with Grandpa whenever we did get together, especially the Jays.

In November, Grandma passed away after a battle with cancer, not unexpected, but still devastating - especially for Grandpa. Then today, just over three months later - more unexpectedly, but in the same hospital, one the same floor, with the same doctors, Grandpa passed away.

As hard as it was for me, it's harder to see my mom lose her best friend (her mom) and then grandpa as well.

Coming home, I had a one card package come from a Listia win - and as much as the card meant otherwise, it will now always have sentimental value for being the card I got the day he passed away, and given our more recent Blue Jays discussions - it is more than appropriate.


Grandpa (and Grandma), will always love you and thank you for all of the memories and love.

Thank you all for reading also - back to lighter subjects tomorrow.

Nothing can save this...even Scottie...

Days like today are ones where it is nice to take half an hour at the end, pickout 20 cards, have a bit of fun looking them up and logging them, then sharing them here with you. Being a Chartered Professional Accountant(because that is what we apparently are called these days) means I'm into busy season now and will work 50-65 hour weeks through to the end of April. Right now the rushes are corporate in nature (tax slip filings due end of February), March is partnerships and trusts, then April of course personal tax returns. So with all the work going on, being able to step away and get a brain refresher with something fun (read - cards) is always nice.

That said, this is going to be a quick Santa Lot 20. Why? Because there are no cards I am keeping, no inserts, nothing to really speak of other than a lot of 2004-05 Ultra basketball and some Scottie Pippen. I really like Scottie, but even he can't save this lot of 20. It depressed me enough, I'm not going to scan the duplicates - which there were a few of with the Ultra cards pulled.

The rest

Hi Jalen - nice to see a Toronto uniform, but wrong anybody interested in these at all, just let me know...hopefully tomorrow will be an improvement.

Summary (through 960):
Specific Accomplishments:
- Completed 2007-08 Upper Deck McDonald's Checklist Subset (6 cards)
Hockey Baseball Basketball Football Austin Powers ET Star Wars Rocky KISS Clue
Toronto 18 2                
Inserts / Var Kept 38 3                
Keep 261 29                
Doubles/Sell 83 4 179 89 218 7 5 2 3 1
Doubles Inserts / Var 8 8 22