Saturday, January 4, 2025

Trading With Jmo's

Sharing with a first time trade partner today on TCDB, Jmo's Sports Cards, and any trade with some wrestling cards really makes me happy since they are harder to find compared to hockey or baseball.

We do have a couple baseball cards in the mix, the fact that they are parallels from Stadium Club is even better - black foil from 2022. I guess with Stadium Club cards about the only thing that can be done for parallels with changes on the front would be full colour changes or changing the foil since there's no border to change the colour of.

On to the wrestling cards and they are all from 2019, a couple NXT and a bunch of SummerSlam. The base set went the better route.

Instead of having the roster part of a 50 card "insert" set, it's just half the base set along with half of the cards being action / result cards. I prefer this much better since the sets treat the two pieces like base sets anyway.

Still really love the roster cards and one day will think about trying to get all such cards of a wrestler to have them side by side for the evolution of a wrestler, like say, The Miz.

Appreciate the trade, and still have a bunch more trades to was a busy past month or two...

Friday, January 3, 2025

Amagee For 33

By the numbers, although I sent off 49 cards to TCDB member Amagee, and received back 33, I am going to share just 14 as the other 19 can remain under wraps as they quietly wait to make their way to local collector Jeff for his Bruins collection.

A couple baseball card uncorrected error cards, including a Yount card claiming he had over 7,000 hits, are solid error additions.

The Leaf cards here I mostly already had but Amagee was looking for a bunch of Marvel cards from me, so was happy to find a few cards to get back in the trade to ensure it happened, though if there wasn't anything, I would probably just have sent a PIF package to move the cards anyway.

We end with some 2020-21 Timmies which help to close that set to 11 base cards from completion

One of these years I should try to make enough trades to share one a day. I am not quite there - most I have done in a year is 144, and that seemed hectic enough!

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Moved But Still Trading

TCDB member Sean_bren is someone I have traded with a few times over the last couple years, and we pit together another small trade again recently. One big difference is, he use to live in Burlington and we were able to do the trades in person, however he has moved away, so this trade was done by PWE.

No matter as the trade went off beautifully as expected, just took a couple days longer due to the mailing tome.

As usual, it was a hockey trade for the most part, and it involved Leafs and Timmies cards. The 1978-79 O Pee Chee card adds to my slowly growing pre-1980 Leaf card collection. Still a ways to go on my Leaf team base set there, but the PIM Leaders card is a solid reminder of how drastic the role of NHL tough guy has changed over the years.

The Timmies cards are about half of the entire Championship Resume insert set from the 2023 Legends set. As usual, the cards look great, and we get a couple with a happy Stanley Cup photo bomb.

Happy to even get a wrestling card in the bunch. Up to 26 of 125 on the base set for the 2020 Finest set, so a long ways to go, but a measure of TCDB success as they have all been through trades.

Thanks for the trade Sean_bren, even if there is a bit more distance between us.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year More Trade

 Happy New Year! It's 2025, so let's start with a TCDB trade! A small PWE trade with Toddbwd.

I am down to missing a single base card now from the 2022 Panini Prizm set, and the two red, white, and blue parallels start me on getting that parallel set started too.

Between the two, I like the colourful borders better than the "plain" base cards, but two more Vladdy cards and friends works for me!

Just a start I am sure, for the trades I will be able to do in 2025!