Well, sometimes buying card lots can result in some duplicates of cards. Not saying that's a bad thing, I'd take 5 copies of a Leaf or Jays card easy, but here are many, I don't need the duplicates for...
May not be a fan of most things Be A Player set related, but I will say the world player cards, with the name and flag done on the side, isn't the worst design choice. Player selection is hit and miss on these, but I can be okay with the design. Not collecting the set, not keeping any, but still, can appreciate the effort on the subset.
Some star power cards from 1991-92 Score. A mix of some American and some Canadian. If you know the sets, the subset card fronts aren't different, but the regular base are purple (Mario in the middle) for the American version while red and blue for the Canadian - but then it's for both the English and Bilingual Canadian versions, so in all cases, the backs need to be consulted to get the right set.
We end with some 1998-99 Upper Deck MVP which is old enough we have seen the design more recently as a throwback design....sigh....however it does provide my personal highlight for the cards today, two more copies of Sundin, though I had one before...now I have three!