Monday, July 1, 2024

Hockey For Canada Day

 A Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians, and what is more Canadian than some hockey. So, another 2020-21 Extended Series hockey pack for share today.

Not a perfect pack - there are a few duplicates as shown at the end, but a whole bunch of helpers for sure.

The card of the pack for discussion has to be the Kane retro insert. I will say at first, I thought the card may be a printing error with the white down the right side, but no, just the way the picture was. Does make me wonder why this card was picked, but so be it.

As for Patrick Kane himself, I was hoping he would be able to spend his entire career in Chicago, but it wasn't meant to be. It can't always happen, that someone gets to spend their entire career with one team, but nice when it can. The three time Cup winner and future Hall of Famer should be able to retire on his own time and knowing he has done it all in the sport. Though the retro design here isn't my favourite set, I like the concept, and the star power can't be denied.

Besides, at least it has the red going for it on Canada Day.

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