Saturday, October 29, 2016

Pack Attack - 2015-16 Tim Hortons

Here we are with the last of the packs I will open, and that I currently have, for 2015-16 Tim Hortons...

First,t he two base cards.

The two base cards - decent enough players and I have talked about the cards here before (all of a week ago). What I do want to talk about is...

These above the ice cards are really cool. The cards are plastic, flexible, and see through - essentially where the ice would be, centre of the card. Doesn't hurt that the card here is of Stamkos, but the nice light blue border, clear "ice" and good (and unique) overhead picture, makes for a unique card.

Luckily there are no Leafs in this subset or I would need to get one immediately, but as an insert set, I will still keep an eye out for them.

Very nice pick up for today, and another reason I may be keeping an eye out for Tim Hortons cards...


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, was thinking the blue border looks nicest with teams like say the Lightning and the Leafs...
