Thursday, June 27, 2024

I Guess Not All Packs...

 So, I haven't thought about it too hard with the first few packs, but I kind of assumed you were getting one "hit" per pack. Just has happened with each of the first few, and given 26 cards in total, seems to be what we are seeing and getting something makes sense. I guess no guarantees though as we get a pure base pack today.

Not complaining, but more just stating facts as I still need a bunch of base and we have all new save a few again today. A few reminders in the first bunch why goalies generally make better or more unique photos for cards than any other position.

I get putting a player on the checklist cards, but putting a couple seems to be trying to pander to get as many stars into a set or into a card to make it more collectible. Works if you are an Oiler fan especially in this case I guess.

The duplicates:

Bound to be a few since there should be enough cards for the base extended series set of 200 in these 18 (well opening 17) packs.

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