Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you and why are you here on Christmas Day? Well, thank you for joining me here, and I will share a quick something new, but hope you are able to spend your day otherwise enjoying whatever cardboard you may have received, but also spending time with those that supplied you with such cardboard.

A quick little Dollarama pick up to open and share - I will fill you in on my Christmas spoils tomorrow - with a couple young kids, today is not about the parents.

So I picked up one of the $2 hockey surprise bags - mostly because I wanted another pack of 100 soft sleeves for cards, and as I have mentioned before, this is a nice way to get them and a little something else. In addition to that, I got the following...

1990 Score American - at least I don't have the set, so I will open

These are all the needs from the pack - Messier would be the highlight.

Duplicated to me, but the Jagr is probably the best, or one of the best cards from the set to get, so I won't complain.

 Lastly, but not least, a solid Leaf pick up - and since I didn't have this before, the pack is a solid win.

If it is Leafs, that will make this well worth the purchase, so let's take a look...

Yeah! Great pick up overall here, so this makes it well worthwhile. The only dupe card is the 2013-14 Score Frattin. The Bester is the error version (name incorrect on the front), The Damphousse is French, and the Ultra I didn't have at all.

This was the last item. These can be quite hit or miss, and a lot of the time, you never really know how the supposed superstar was designated to be. Frankly, they should have gone with Hall of Famer, at least that you can't argue. Anyway, what we got was...

A decent variety, and only the 1991-92 as a duplicate.

Not a bad little pick up for today - definitely was worth the couple dollars. Enjoy your day and check in again tomorrow!


  1. These are the lonely days when you're on your own.. lol

  2. The Jagr card is great to see. Hope you had a good holiday with your family!
