Today, a couple of the packs from the box yesterday, starting with what interests me the least.

I get it, they are kinda cute little figures, but I won't bother showing the two I pulled since nothing special (Rangers and Hurricanes), but will show you the checklist which is pretty much exactly how they look. As for the two puzzle pieces - already gone as there is no way I am making the puzzle or collecting these.

As you can see, there are some rare ones. Funny enough, my son ended up with a similar pack for wrestlers. As per usual, the horseshoe seems to still be nicely up hit butt as before he opened it, he looked and saw Finn Balor (his favourite wrestler) and said he wanted one, so I said there was a chance, and a glow in the dark one too, but not likely (every 56 packs). Of course he ended up with a glow in the dark Balor and Dean Ambrose.
That done, a few cards for today...

I only have 18 of the 200 base cards, so should need these....
And we get...

*Reads pack again....5 cards per pack....*
What the $!&^!!!
Now, I am going to assume that this is how the pack was received by the repackaging people (MJ I believe), and not that they opened the pack and resealed it because the repack boxes from them have been fine in the past, but come on.
It didn't seem resealed, and it is possible it was a packing issue, but man - 5 cards is bad enough, but to only get three?
I'm just done with this one today, tomorrow better be an improvement card wise....
I'm not even checking if I need any of the three right now I am too ticked off about's not like these are high end sets or anything, it's MVP!
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