Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Looking For Magic

I still have a few of these packs which I got directly from Presstine, but which use to be in Dollarama store up to a few years ago.

If lucky, you get a dime value rare, a hand full of uncommon and no lands on each side. Let's split this up and take a look at half today.

That Barbed Sextant is actually a great pick up as it is new to my collection. Well, I have the card from other releases, but this one is from the Coldsnap constructed decks that could be bought back in 2006.

Well - definitely don't need any Eyekites as I already had 10+ for trade, but another here regardless. Might just pull some of the Magic cards for padding in trades.

A second artifact pick up is nice too.

Definitely a good half with another nice pick up with the Mana Geode.

Definitely didn't need another Prinal Clay, but still two more keepers here.

Another couple keepers and I can live with getting a basic land. I gather this will end up being the better half of the two, but we can see tomorrow if that is the case.

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