Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Other Half

Before the cards, a quick share of sadness with the Jays situation. I mean, the season has definitely not gone the way I would have hoped, and with the recent trades and dismantling of things outside of the core handful of players (so far), I am not sure what to expect in the next couple years. Not going to be much to cheer for the rest of this year, and the tooling may be something that pays off in a couple years (or more). Time will tell, but it feels a bit like after the good Batista/Efwin years again which isn't a great feeling.

As for the cards...will this half be better than yesterday? Probably not...but let's see!

Well, definitely a good start with another artifact keeper as well as a land keeper. When I bought these, the Throne of Eldraine set was well into the 2020 set commons being shoved into these in droves.

Eldrazi cards fit with my collecting, so another pick up, and I feel like there has been a lot of green pulled between yesterday and today.

Well, another Eyekite isn't needed, but here it is.

Boo to the basic lands - not use to seeing three in a single repack. Definitely the lesser half today but as solid a repack as can be expected.

On the lower half of the list, which is to be expected as most of the cards go right to trade fodder, but not a bad bunch of cards overall.

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