Monday, April 22, 2024

Random Hockey

 Looks like the COVID lot will be finished this month, but I have things lined up for May. Will need a few days to catch up on trades to share, but lots of fun card stuffs to open after that, and might just bring back something (I found) fun.

Just the one keeper today with a rookie insert from 1993-94 O Pee Chee Premier. Hamrlik was a great player so thumbs up on that pick for the insert set.

As you can see, a couple more copies of Roman, but one does it for me.

Leaf Limited as a product, has grown on me a bit through this lot. Not sets I ever saw as a kid, and generally not ticking boxes I like on cards like full pictures and full stats, but they aren't that bad...

Thought I might need the Player's Club parallel Chelios, but go figure, I actually now have over 100 cards from that parallel set, including this one.


  1. I remember when that Kevin Stevens UD rookie card was a pretty nice pull.
