Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Some Trade Sharing

 Now what?

I mean, busy season is just about done for another year. The COVID lot is done. What's next to share as I can't do enough trading to keep up with daily posts...at least, that isn't a challenge I am going to give myself.

I mean, I am still going to trade on TCDB, but I have such a pile up of goodies to open that, my next to-do is going to be something old that I am going to bring back for the rest of this year, and probably beyond - breaking boxes and scoring boxes based on my completely scientific scoring system I choose and deem as I desire. I had fun doing it a few years ago, and I have somewhere between 45-60 different blasters, boxes, repack packs and other unopened goodies to work with. Probably enough for this year and doing similar in 2025 as well. Are they new products? Never! I mean we span from 1985 to 2022...well might be a 2023 or 2024 repack product in there, so maybe a chance of a 2023 pack of something, but I am guessing no. Oh, and for materials - baseball, hockey, Magic, wrestling, and even a bit of Pokémon too.

I'll figure and lay that all out a bit tomorrow, as for today, let's just catch up on some trade sharing!

First up a trade with TCDB member melamathman

You may be surprised that these are all new for my Leaf collection, but that is thanks to micro variations. I have these cards, but these have different copyright line notation on the back, for example an A or a B having to do with where it was printed. Yup, I'll go with those small difference for the Toronto collection.

Next up, a trade with cartel13...

Have to say the 1998-99 Panini Photocard is a neat one to pick up and is in excellent shape. Didn't finish a team set, but nice cards all in.

Walking shadow up next with a few baseball cards...

Two of the four Jays cards from the 1985 Topps Traded set and my first 2021 Topps Chrome refractor.

Lastly, Birderman...

A bunch of different Leaf additions including a lot of Donruss and Parkhurst helpers. Fave of the bunch is either the Top Shelf Sundin or the Pat's jersey showing - though the green jersey doesn't really fit in with the collection colour wise.

All in, a great bunch of trades and many thanks!


  1. That Giordano card is interesting for the uni..
    I'm working on updating my collection on TCDB since it's been a couple years (really since I was hospitalized) that my collection's gone to pot...

    1. When you get a chance, send me your address over through TCDB and I will send some cards your way. Glad to be hearing from you!
