Saturday, September 23, 2023

Jeff's Food Issue

 Was trying to think of ways to break out a bit the cards that Jeff gave me, and one grouping I figured, was food issue cards. Here, we are talking about Timmies and McD hockey cards from different sets over the years. Actually a few Leaf keepers for me to share from the bunch.

The bottom two are from the 2023 Timmies release which is a "Collector's Series". I didn't get any packs when this was released, so these are the first cards from the set that I have had in hand, and happy to get them as Leaf additions of course.

More keepers - I need a bunch of the McDonald cards from the 3D sets of 1995-96 and 1996-97, so some additions here for me. These ones actually scan pretty well considering the type of cards too.

A few more keepers from the same 2023 Timmies set, but Connor is the big helper for my master 2022-23 set as he was a need.

There are a number more cards which are dupes that I don't need, so sharing here, but also of course listed on TCDB if needed by anyone...

Still a bunch more cards to share from Jeff...and I like being able to show a bunch of the traders in case they are of interest to anyone out there, to get him some Bruins.


  1. I'm disappointed in this year's Tim Horton's set, but his own card looks cool. Is that a hologram?

    1. Yeah, it's done like a hologram card, though much better than what I always think of as hologram cards being the flimsy old silver backs stickers from Upper Deck in the early 90s.

  2. Love those Pinnacle McDonald's lenticular sets from the 90's. Super cool.

  3. I will totally take any Timmies or MCD cards you don't want for trade. Really wish we did that here in the States!

    1. Noted! I got your recent package - many thanks, and will share on the blog in Jan after the holidays. Should be able to get something together and out to you in early January. Thanks again!
