Saturday, July 1, 2023

Happy Canada Day!

 We will get to something that is Canadian as maple syrup today since, what's more Canadian than hockey?

Zanith was a mid-price range product. Me, not being in collecting at the time, have only picked up a couple cards by way of trade for my Leafs collection, but I did also happen across a pack which I have in my unopened pack collection. Other than that, not much my way of this one, so nothing here to keep except for Mikhail above.

So, if you have any interest in the set, check out my TCDB trade list as they are all there and listed, but let's take a dabbling look at some of them.

I might thin the top and side black borders and put the background from the photo back in. I think that may look a lot better, but won't complain about the quality of the cards themselves, and a solid line up of players.

The backs for good measure - are alright for Panini, and yes, I qualify it. I expect stats to be on the lower side with Panini products, so no surprise there, but a decent write up, so....reason enough some may like the cards, but not a set for me.

Was this a set anyone out that did, or does care about and collect?

Something to ponder briefly though...other things to do on a Canada Day.