Sunday, July 2, 2023

Trade Roundup

 Nothing like rounding out a few trades for a lazy July Sunday. We have three different TCDB trades to go over today, so let's see what we got.

First up, a 2 card trade from mrmail2000 and a three card trade with jeremytraver1.

I have to say, at this point I feel like Nate Pearson was a rookie for like 5 years with him being so close, but not quite there for a while. Then, the Mr. Perfect Coliseum Video card is a nice odd wrestling card to pick up.

We then get three nice Jays pick ups with a Lopez A&G mini and a refractor Chrome card making Rosario look like the slouch.

Last trade will show just how happy I am to take cards that are dupes when it comes to my Leafs and new cards for my collection, but great adds nonetheless. These all coming from fellow Canadian althib.

1991 Score cards stand out for their design and colours, and here we get a bunch of copies of a number of Jays. Any Jays 1990-1994 have a special place in my heart given the time of my childhood and the memories around the championships of 1992 and 1993.

Not just Jays here, but we also have some Leaf cards too...

Again, nothing that is new for the collection specifically, but that doesn't make the cards less important to me. Also a big thumbs up for althib in getting all of the different microvariations in correct so I didn't have any clean up on those as can be the case.


  1. Mr. Perfect was one of my favorites as a kid. And his PerfectPlex is still one of my favorite finishing moves of all-time.

    1. A shame I don't think it would hold up with moves these days, though should, as far as finishers go.
