Just like it says, here is the final bunch of cards from my trade with EAudet77, a bunch of odds and sods Leaf cards, which happen to finish a number of Leaf team sets.
2005-06 SP Authentic and the pure base Leaf cards are done with the two additions here. The cards are still a bit too on the plain side for me (typical of a number of SP Authentic sets).
A nice Canvas card, even if it is Kessel...
Happy to have Marner and Barrie finish my Leaf base set for 2019-20 Parkhurst.
Panini Certified is another Leaf team set completed with the couple additions, while at the same time Jeff Farkas is actually the very first Leaf card I have from 2000-01 Pacific Aurora - still many many sets I have no Leaf cards from...even when not considering vintage years.
Potvin is another Leaf set completer - and it's a really different photo with the pile of pucks. I'll let it pass that it's a staged photo because it's a cool one!
Ah - High Liner. Another food related product back in the 90s which provided hockey cards cut from boxes. I wonder how many people were buying some of these products for the cards and could care less about the food part.
The Mats Sundin Clutch Performers insert is a nice one and done Leaf.
Speaking of one and done Leafs - Schenn's Hart Candidates card is another.
I really like the Platinum Records insert set - a good excuse for some past stars showing up in a newer product. Also, the Matthews is one of two I need as I need a second for the team set since my set build on this is now just one card short.
Thank you again to EAudet77 for taking a bunch of cards off my hands, but also providing some amazing additions to my collection!