Friday, January 17, 2025

The BASEball Lot

About a year ago, yet again on Kijiji, I came across a lot of what was pushed as being newer baseball base cards only - about 6 big boxes, for $100. Since there were many sets, and newer cards I don't pick up much, I figured it was a fun get to maybe start on a couple of newer base set builds, but also get some Jays, maybe some error cards depending on the set, and it's always fun to go through and share here.

When I got the boxes, it ends up being 2 5k boxes, 3 3200 count boxes and one 2400 count box, so I would guess in actual cards we are looking at about 20,000 cards, but my focus is going to be to see just how much of each set I actually pick up here as well as my usual measures. I may not work on building all of the sets, but we can see how much of each there is just from the lot. It's of interest to me, and fun because I love stats and numbers and baseball cards and new cards and....shall I go on?

I have gone through and basically got them together by set - in a perfect world, this means I will be able to look at each set itself, have full stats on it, and be done with it. Realistically, I may have the same set in two spots in the lots and have to update the numbers, but that's life, all good. I was debating going "in order" from earliest sets to newest sets (I think 2017-2021 covers 95% of what is here), but I didn't want to work in getting them in exact order, so no worries there.

Besides, it means I can knock off one set first that I'll happily go through over a week or so, but the one set will knock out an entire 5k count box - 2021 Topps. I can say, there is a lot of series one and a fair amount of series two, and I don't need to show every card. Some cards only show up once...others...

Why have a single Tatis when you can get 36! All base versions, no short prints, and for the set build I will work on, it means I have one for me and 35 for someone else. I would say for series 1, this is still high for the number of cards in the box, but to have 5-10 of any base isn't a surprise. There must have been some picking over done, as, in getting it organized, there are some missing cards still, but that's part of logging and looking, is to see just how complete this set is.

I have no idea how many days it will take to share through, and will stop and highlight and share as it feels fit to do, but let's start a walk through the 2021 Topps set

Going into the set just 18 cards, we have 17 with a rookie card being the one missing so far. I am guessing that may be a theme, but we will have to see. I am guessing stars are still all going to be here, it is just base cards, so I get that as they really aren't of high value if someone was speculating and pulling, though sometimes they still get pulled as they are easier to move/sell of course. A good start though, and we get to our first Jay as I had 3 of the Shun cards before this lot, I added another one as seen above.

Oh, and these fourteen other copies too! I know some people wouldn't care about the quantities, but I find it pretty awesome!

Just to try it out, here's how I will be tracking / stat-ing this lot....

I expect on products like Bowman, if nothing else, there will be "inserts" that many consider base so think that we will see some non-base cards, but time will tell!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Finally Caught Up

Here it is, the last trade I need to catch up on sharing from the busy end of the year rush of trades - though I know more are coming in shortly still. It is getting into busy season at work, so the trades will definitely diminish, though I do have a new card lot to get into shortly, and still have plenty of unopened materials to look at as well, so a good couple years worth of stuff for posting! One of these days, I will have little in the "bank" to post.

Today's trade is with a first time trade partner at TCDB, AndreMcandless who sent some baseball cards my way.

A couple 1988 Glossy send in set cards. a Roberto uncorrected error card, and the we get into the late 90s and 2000s with Jays. I know there have been mini cards over the years, and I am starting to get enough I am debating buying some binder pages more suited for them - but I don't need too many yet and it's cheaper to buy 100 at a time - but it's not something I lose sleep over.

I do like the Halladay Bowman card, may be somewhat typical photo, but the card and colours, just looks great - though best photo in this PWE is further down.

I mean, look at that celebration Vladdy card - it's just fantastic and shouts Stadium Club. I can even get over the vertical orientation and enjoy the shot - just amazing. Doesn't hurt that it was also the last base card I needed to complete the team set also.

Actually, doesn't hurt that the Bowman Platinum Vladdy also completed that team set...or actually the 2024 Topps Stars of The Game Bladdy came with his friend Bo below to finish THAT team set for me too!

I will say that the Holiday set designs to me are hit or miss as the "holiday" pattern can be too much at times, but the snow one here is solid - not too intrusive, but makes the point. Is it needed? Absolutely not, but at least it is less offensive.

Thank you for the great trade and I think I can FINALLY get onto starting through my next big lot purchase tomorrow - the BASEball Lot.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Completing A Timmies Set

 Just like it says, I did a bigger PWE trade with Nyoj1971 - first trade with the TCDB member, and he quickly finished off my base needs for the 2018-19 Tim Hortons set.

I had 95 of the 120 cards, and wasn't expecting this would necessarily be the set I would happen to finish next, but lo and behold, a big trade like this and poof, all done. I think I have dupes already for my Leaf needs from the set too, so may just be an uncorrected error card or two left for any needs to put this one to rest.

It is one of my favourite designs - but the Pringling of the cards over time is crazy. At 120 cards, they just fit into a 200 card box given the curve on these things!

Can't say enough for how much the trading at TCDB has benefited my card collection, but this is just another great example of it.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Hawkking Another Wrestling Card Trade

Was able to get another trade in with hawkking from TCDB which was mainly wrestling card related, but we did sneak a couple hockey cards in as well. 

2011-12 Upper Deck Victory is a set I am getting close on completing, and while working on the base set, since it is a "low hanging fruit" as far as price points on sets go, I was working on a couple of the insert sets as well, so here is the 22 of 25 Stars of the Game cards I also picked up in the trade.

That said, the mail part of the PWE trade was wrestling related...

The 1985 Topps WWF card set continues to slowly get completed. Some of the cards are not of great quality, though these two are fantastic. I am about 2/3 of the way done on the set.

As for the 1990 Classics set, about 1/3 done and a set that really did well on the roster cards, including doing the name/logo overlay well. They were very well used on merchandising and stick out as much as the wrestlers.

Appreciate the trade - thank you as always.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Unexpected Gratitude

 Back in October, I had sent a package of cards as a big pay i forward, to TCDB member StarsFan, without any expectation of a return of any kind. Well, I did get something back, and that's what we get to look at today.

The 1987 Jays are a nice pick up even if they are dupes. I do find it interesting how different the shades of woodgrain border design can be, especially over time. As for the hockey cards, a lot of needs and man from the late 70s and early 80s which is amazing. I don't mind Guy Lafleur sneaking his way into the Leaf binder either....even if it's as a Canadien.

Have to appreciate the team photo card - very nice, and great quality on most of these which a pleasant surprise.

I still don't really understand why there was a try to do "scratch" parts on cards, but we have a few unscratched versions here which is a nice get too.

As you can see, there are a few Bruins cards which came along in the package, and I have passed those along to local collector Jeff (always like being able to get him some cards in trades given how much he has passed my way).

Best team set completion in the pack is the 1005-96 Ultra base set, excellent!

Even some newer Leaf cards, all of which were needs for me - woohoo! Last up...

the baseball Classic cards are dupes for keep, but the Fichaud is a one and done Leaf team set.

Unexpected, but very much appreciated!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

A Great Felli That PIANELLI

 A fantastic baseball card trade with TCDB member PIANELLI today as we got some "base" cards which are serial numbered, and all somewhat similar.

I get what they are going for here - 2008 Topps Moments & Milestones was a unique set which tried to put a card out, serial numbered, for each item related to the record discussed, for example, 30 home runs, 30 cards, one for each home run.

Where this took a great idea and fell flat was, each card is exactly the same, so it's just an aesthetic thing, rather than having a card that truly shows and represents each step of the way. I think it's a unique idea, but it just didn't execute as well as it could have. Kudos for the attempt by Topps, just didn't get quite to the goalline. 

We get some 2008 Upper Deck Documentary series cards as well, to which I can say, at least the photo appears to be from the game (I haven't reflected enough to confirm), but in some cases, the photo has nothing to do with the write up - for example, showing Frank Thomas, but discussing the team pitching. Not as bad a set as the Topps Milestone shortcoming, and there are 163 cards for the base Toronto set, so plenty more needed to be able to really reflect how the set is overall.

A nice rainbow foil Cecil, a one and done 2017 Topps Opening Day Incredible Eats Toronto card, and a couple 2018 Bowman Prospects in Camo to round out the great little trade.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Wrestling With Trades

I always appreciate a good trade for wrestling cards, and when they are relative new, all the better. Ymmat at TCDB was nice enough to offer up these 2024 Panini Prizm cards in trade, and these are the first from the set that I now possess.

The base cards are so dark, they don't scan well, but look fine in hand. I will say, the empty black oval space above the picture seems a bit waster - maybe putting a legend, Raw, Smackdown label in it would have been better. Otherwise, look at how that one Ice Prizm card sparkles in comparison. Is it gimmicky? Absolutely, but still looks really cool!

As for the cards - I don't mind Cody in the full entrance garb, but would have been a great picture variation, with a normal pose of him as being the regular card, but maybe that's just me. Could actually do that for a number of them  - entrance variants versus in ring appearance base cards.

Next up, a hockey trade with TCDB member MarekP.

Early 2000s definitely continues to have many needs to fill. The Quest for the Cup Sundin is the last of the three Toronto base cards (that are not serial numbered) and...

I have the 10 card Leaf team set now done for 2004-05 Pacific, however I will want dupes for the set build I have going which is more than 2/3 done and counting.

Given I don't buy anything stickers, nice to actually being close to the Leaf team set now for 2018-19, though still not actively seeking to finish that one.

Another great PWE trade and some more needs knocked off. At times - why spent $3 on an unknown pack of cards, when you can spend the same on postage and sending cards to a better how, to get more cards you actually want?