Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Foil Additions

So, this is a Black Friday purchase from last November that I am FINALLY getting around to sharing. Foil cards were on sale for 15% off, which is a bit more than the 10% I get off with my loyalty bonus, so I took the opportunity to get two days of sharing worth of cards.

For a while, I didn't worry too much about foil parallels but just the base versions, but I went back here and picked up most available foils I needed that were under a dollar, through to about 2014. Had to save some cards for the boxing day sale.

As it turns out, I think these are the more recent cards in the bunch.

Still love looking at the artwork - definitely see the difference over the years, but many good cards during the different tines of the cards though.

The Cluestone cards make up all 10 artifacts in the Dragon's Maze set, so worked out well to at least finish the one foil parallel set.

Older foil cards for tomorrow, though not much from the first sets that had foil cards because they were quite rare and even on commons typically had a high premium.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Jays, Ohtani, and Surprises

 We end the collection of 2019 Topps flagship set today, and for whatever reason, the last 100 cards is where a number of the Jays players appear, so we start with...

A solid bunch, and though they may not be new to me, great cards to get. Pillar is one that I liked having on the team as he was really great out in the outfield.

It may not be a rookie card of Ohtani, but he is such a hot collectible guy, glad his "regular" cards are still I'm the BASEball lot.

I guess Future Stars cards aren't as big a deal as having the "RC" label, so haven't had any issue with those missing in this, or other sets so far.

I'd say that was it, but there were a few "mistakes" and some non-base cards here...

There may not be many, but that's 5 more than I was expecting (or I guess paying for). A Home Run Challenge insert, 150 year foil stamp parallel and three rainbow foil cards too - nice!

Funny it's almost exactly the same number of cards as 2021 Topps, but as expected, third on the list. At a glance from what I saw, 2020 may get up there too when I get there!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Not A Shoe-in

Matt started 11 games over the two years of 2019 and 2020 for the Jays before a final season in 2021 with Minnesota to end his time in the majors. His time in Toronto was short, but at least there are a few cards for his time here.

A couple not-Jays at the time in the bunch - Ryu sticks out for one.

I wonder who has the job of coming up with the name to put on these cards, like "strike a pose". Is it one person? Do they do as a group? How much approval is there?

Yes, these are some of the thoughts that go through my head when looking at baseball cards...and I don't know exactly why.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

High Morales

 More than half way through the 2019 Topps flagship cards and at least we hit on another Jay. Kendrys did stick around another year after 2018 with the Jays, splitting 2019 between Oakland and the Yankees, but I'd say 2018 was his last decent year.

We also get the slightest misprint error below.

The right side of the Jones card is white right down the full length of the card. Looks like it was an edge card and the cut was off. Works for me and my error collection.

We can then share again, all the base cards and for those interested, dupes are all on my TCDB trade list.

Definitely wanted to highlight the stadium pictures as I love them. I know some collect stadium cards, and these are definitely great ones.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Expending To Complete

Every now and then, I get the opportunity to take part in some focus group study work, and from the bit I received doing so, I put a few dollars aside to try and finish a few Magic artifact sets from older sets that may be a few dollars more than I usually spend. Picked these up from 401 Games of course, but let's take a look.

The last cards I needed to finish off the artifact sets for Urza's Destiny, Apocalypse, and what was supposed to be Guildpact - but I am still missing one as I coded one incorrectly but then also a few other artifacts which get sets a bit closer. Urza's Incubator and Masticore are the two big cards and finish off the artifact set - about $24 and $11 dollars for each of the two cards - more than I usually spend, but since it was "free money", happy to get the last couple cards for Urza's Destiny.

The Incubator card is a rare and has a great ability, which is why it has some value - being able to reduce the cost on a card, by two, really speeds up how quickly you can churn out the cards and speed up play, very cool.

As for Masticore, the ability to do unlimited damage by paying mana, for an artifact deck or any that can create a bunch of mana, is a great ability too.

Definitely a worthwhile bunch to purchase and some solid cards I didn't have before.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Even Better!

While working through the 2019 Topps base set from the BASEball lot, the next hundred cards are even better in how many there are, and a couple more Jays too.

Russell was a solid catcher for Toronto. behind the plate, but offensively he left a lot to be desired when you look at his final season average being .194 - yikes.

A couple more error cards and then, a whole lot of base cards too...

Scanning like this gives me more appreciation on the colours being used on a team by team basis for the front design - definitely a plus that having a generic same design. Still would rather they were all vertical as I don't enjoy horizontal cards as much, but small complaint really but does make flipping through binders of as set like this much easier, not having to turn the binder each time to properly see a horizontal card.

Where we stand so far, through 400 of the 700 cards is...

I am guessing this will end up in 3rd on the list when done, and about 550 cards of the 700 in hand. Will have to wait a day before continuing, have a neat little share tomorrow to go over first.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

I Can Handle Repeating

 Going on with the 2019 Topps BASEball lot cards, I can happily say today was like yesterday - a bunch of additions for the base set, and a few others for keepers, including again, a single Jay card.

Devon Travis saw his entire major league playing career happen in Toronto. He was drafted by Detroit, but in the four seasons at the major league level, all with the Nlue Jays. once he was granted free agency, that was it. He didn't want to head to the minors, and with knee injuries essentially ending his career, just had the 4 seasons with the Jays, though he is now onto coaching, so able to remain around the game he loves.

A few more error cards pop up - mostly again pitcher / WHIP/ERA calculation related, but not all - oh and then more keepers...

Sweet moves on the total cards so far, and definitely happy to keep this one going. Definitely a few cards missing beyond rookie cards, but not too much all things considered.