As easy as that, the cards for today are all of the cards in the BASEball lot from the year 2016. Not a whole bunch, but some definitely keepers which is always good! First up, some set help for the 2016 Topps flagship set.
Unwinding with baseball cards...and hockey cards....and Magic cards...and who knows what else...
Monday, February 10, 2025
Visiting 2016
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Riding The Wave
Not sure about anyone else, but when I think of the 2018 Topps baseball set - I think of the wave in the front design.
Well, that will pay for a good half, if not more, of the BASEball lot. I will definitely be keeping as I am working on the set, but given the current prices for it, even the basic rookie card is worth a few bucks. These are the pulls I like doing these lots for, lots of fun, and never know what surprises you will find!
Saturday, February 8, 2025
I have the cards from the BASEball lot sorted by set and in years, so I figure I'd knock off some of the small dribbles of cards in the early years since there won't be much to collect or keep there really, and no set build to work through, but spoiler, at least there are a few keepers in the bunch.
First up, the set builders for a set I am actually already collecting - 2014 Topps.
As you can see, the list may end up getting pretty long as some of the smaller represented sets come out, so I may draw a line at some point and group things together - but for now, will keep them all listed.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Today, we go through a set, I am NOT collecting from the BASEball lot - 2016 Topps Archives. I like the concept, but dislike the multi-design base set and the total put together of stars current and past all mixed up in the set. I like the ideal of maybe parallels of a base set design and a subset of legends or hall of famers, but this 310 card set is not for me.
Individually, I can appreciate the designs though.
First 100 cards are in the design of 1953. Topps did a really good job on the throwbacks, not perfect and some of that is purposeful, but the core is there for sure.
The back designs are on point as well. I get the obvious logos being completely different and not in some old style to try and match the cards, but the structure of the designs are solid. I could do without the faux signature as part of the background on the back of the cards, but that's a small complaint.
I definitely did not collect and haven't really picked up any cards from the original 1953 set, and as a Jays collector, I don't have a need - my wallet thanks me for that one.
Next up, is 1979, and those I do have Jays cards from.
Great on the fronts though the colours for the teams are definitely brighter than what was on the original cards. As for the backs...
Solidly on point, though these are done in a much more readable pallet oif colours.
Last up, the final 1/3 of the base set, 1991 Topps which everyone my age collected in droves if you collected at all as it was the peak of the overproduction era.
I get using 65 instead of 40 which was on the original cards since this was 25 years later. I also really like it as, for the uneducated, it's an easy way to spot the difference. There are many others of course but for anyone not in the hobby looking to buy cards as gifts for someone, sets like Archives can be problematic for buying singles.
Great work on the backs, and the faded Topps logo like that from 1991, matches with the 65 year notation. FOr myself, nothing to keep in this bunch, no Jays, no error cards, and though it's a decent base set start, this one isn't for me.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
2018 Topps National Baseball Card Day
Well, this wins as best share from the BASEball lot so far as we get a nice, complete, 30 card set of the free card release from 2018.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Two Sets Down...
Today, the last of the cards from 2019 Topps Update and my starter on the set. First up though, the Jays cards I get in decent number from cards 200-300.
There you have it though, a second great start to a set I didn't have any of before this BASEball lot.
So far two for two in solid starts for new sets. I know that won't hold as a number have decent amounts of cards, but 20% or less won't be enough to really get me going on a set, unless it's a really amazing set. Still, will be interesting to see what else we end up with...more tomorrow!
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Keeping Steady
Quickly into the second third of the 2019 Topps Update set and happily, we continue along our merry way with about 5 duplicates per card, but remaining at about 2/3 completion.
Not I can at least commemorate this All-Star appearance when he was a Jay with a few copies of the card, and the ugly uniform - definitely not one of my faves.