The trade sharing extravaganza begins today and first up, a PWE with TCDB member Birderman.
So, we have one set build card with Harvey, an insert set builder with Lemieux, a variation card for the ERR / VAR binder, and Marcel is just an amazing Leaf pickup.
Plenty of Leaf content and the more I see the Fleer cards with the retro stars, the more I really like them. Doesn't hurt we show three massive stars too!
Parkhurst didn't really need to get into the colour parallels, but at least I now have some red ones! Meanwhile, the SP set cards are looking pretty similar to each other.
The Allure Tavares looks really good. I don't think I have every bought an Allure pack, blaster or otherwise, but happy to collect them through trade!
Perfect as I needed another Tavares if I plan on building that base set.
Last up is an...interesting designed Gary Robert's card. I mean, I get the "X" design, but it is still kind of ugly.
Still, a great trade so big thank yous and hope we cab do another trade in the future!
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