Sunday, September 15, 2024

Bizarre Indeed

Another pack today, and a reminder of a match that was bizarre, and really not that good (even if it was a bit unique). 

Jake "The Snake" Roberts and that blindfold match against Rick Martel was...different. I mean, suspending belief to think they can't actually see out of the hoods, it's decent for what it was, but I mean, we know that they were see through enough to really not mean much. The fact they had to then act like they couldn't see each other and fumble around to find each other in the ring to perform a move here and there, just wasn't that entertaining compared to if they just had a match. Probably a good reason why you don't see a match or two like this every year.

I can't believe Daniel Bryan and the huge star he was and Wrestlemania main event push and win was over 10 years ago now. It does seem like every 10 years of Wrestlemania, you get a huge main event and story line - Cody this past year, Daniel for 30, he who shall not be named and Wrestlemania 20 (which at the time was similar to the other two, but obviously viewed differently now), and Wrestlemania 10 was Bret Hart.

The Rock insert is the only dupe here for me, so otherwise, a great pack and hey - seven cards, just as promised!

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