Saturday, September 14, 2024

Feeling Short

 Okay, so, not happy when this happens...

I only count six cards here when it clearly says on the pack and box, and in each of the first packs opened, there were 7 cards each. Dang - I mean, I guess it can happen, but that sucks to be short changed like that. Maybe it'll even out by the end of the box? Maybe?

The good news is - all the cards are keepers for me, and any time I can be reminded of one of the greats like Harley Race, these be solid cards. I can't believe he was inducted back in 2004, back when the Hall of Fame was really just starting to "find" itself and be more than a token list of names, and really doing a show presentation, though it wasn't yet at the full drama of a night event and having fans attend in large numbers, but glad it has changed into that.

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