Thursday, September 12, 2024

Early Start on the Road

Usually the road to Wrestlemania begins with the Royal Rumble in January, but I can't wait, so let's take a look at the series from 2015 with a blaster I picked up a while ago from

The box itself was a little beat up but opening it up, the packs inside were all good and fine, so I don't think we will have any issues of dinged corners. Going into this box though, I don't have any unopened packs, and I only have 10 of the base cards. I may have a few inserts, but I am not going to get into the details of those as we will just see what I get as I open packs, and if any dupes arise.

One of the packs, and the relic pack for this box, get added to the unopened pack collection. I put a sticky on the pack to "label" it since it has no markings whatsoever.

As for the packs, let's start with one today...

Well, not great on luck, though at first glance, thought it was a good pack. Only the top card base add as, the other two happened to be in the 10 cards I already had - go figure.

The blue Miz bordered card is a Walmart exclusive - one every two packs. The Hall of Fame and Wrestlemania match cards are inserts, but one per pack, so not big odds there, and the HHH@WM is one insert set I have about half of, so this one wasn't new to me either.

Not a great first pack, but I am sure it will get better!

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