Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Noticing Change

 One thing that can happen opening packs from before - whether a few years, or more, is how much you notice change. It can be change in designs, change in photography, change in the people highlighted, or change in the people themselves.

The biggest change I first noticed in this pack was Mr. Wonderful and how the man himself had changed from his wrestling days. When I thought of the man and remember him from my childhood, his long hair was a staple of what made him who he was. To see him with a buzz cut if nothing else, just looks like a completely different person. People always change over time, but this one just stuck out to me.

As for those on the cards, Bray is no longer with us, John Cena is on his way to retirement, Tyson Kidd is retired from in ring competition as is Triple H and Sting, about the only people still wrestling from these cards is that Stardust guy and Cesaro can be counted in there as well.

At least I did fine on needs in the pack as the only dupes are Stardust and The Rock insert.

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