Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Keeping Steady

Quickly into the second third of the 2019 Topps Update set and happily, we continue along our merry way with about 5 duplicates per card, but remaining at about 2/3 completion.

I don't mind the All-Star Game involvement on the Update sets, but I'd still rather have the team logo on the cards. Maybe a smaller ASG logo like an "RC" logo, but the team logo would be nice.

Galvis did not last long in a Jays uniform as he was only here for part of a season before being off and out of town. He was in Toronto after a season in San Diego, and then was off to Cincinnati.

The ASG cards definitely help with adding star power to the 300 card set - no wonder 1/3 or so is about rookies, a third maybe for ASG and other such cards, and then 1/3 big movers and shakers. I still feel 300 is a bit bloated for an update set, but it is what it is.

Definitely still liking the backs, the colour coding with teams, the full stats or solid write ups.

Stroman in his career to date is a .500 pitcher, though I remember the hopes in Toronto at least, were that he would be an ace, and there were flashes of it, but it didn't last.

Not I can at least commemorate this All-Star appearance when he was a Jay with a few copies of the card, and the ugly uniform - definitely not one of my faves.

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