Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Rest of the Foiliage

I scanned the earlier pick ups second so it's like a little time leap back as we go from the late 90s to about 2010.

The first card is one of my favorites for flavourful text. I don't know why, but it makes me think of the TV show Dinosaurs and the "We are going to need another Timmy" gag from the TV show they watch within that show. Maybe it's just me.

The couple old school Urza block, brown border artifacts were cheap though many in those sets aren't as that is about the time foils first showed up in Magic cards.

Timeshifted also used the brown throwback border and nice to get the couple more cards here.

Though I didn't complete any sets, I did get a whole bunch of Scars of Mirrodin artifact foils. It is one of the biggest sets for artifacts and I hadn't been focused on picking up foil versions before so picked up the bunch here.

Definitely some great help on these parallels even if I didn't get to complete any more today. Next sale or two, I'll have to look at 2015 onward to fill foil collection holes the same way...without getting too expensive I hope!

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