Sunday, March 9, 2025

2019 Allen & Ginter

 When I think of sets that really embrace and fully exude old time design and feel, A&G is what does it for me. The card stock, look and design all "feel" old time-y and I enjoy them. I also enjoy when the BASEball lot wasn't just 2019 A&G pure base cards but had a few short prints and inserts for keeps too!

I mean - Santa's Sleigh is so A&G insert, isn't it? Part of what also draws some too (while likely bothering others) are the off the wall or off the beaten path insert sets and non-baseball cards.

The short prints are all nice and on point, and the inserts enjoyable as well. Short print base cards is where I like seeing players from the past like Spahn and Raines - great way to add them without taking away from the current players.

One other base card keeper is this uncorrected error which quotes the wrong draft year - just off by one, but still off.

For those wanting a bit more of a view of the base cards, though there are others and all are up for trade as there wasn't enough here for me to push to collect the set....though I do really like it...

Yup, Ohtani's here for any collectors...seems anything Ohtani is hot commodity.

The card backs are all fine - I find that the scans pick up the colouring a bit different at times, but they are all uniform - nothing unusual in hand.

As much as I love full stats on the back, the set up here is perfect for the feel and old time look they are going for, so it gets the thumbs up.

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