Well, had some cards from the prior year High Tek set from Topps, and here we get some from the 2019 offering which seems to be a step down.
Don't get me wrong - I am a sucker for the acetate / see through card design in general however the simplification for this product where different designs are just part of the base set, seems counter intuitive to the name of the set. Now, it may not be my thing, but if any set is going to have 20 different effects and designs, this would be where to do it, and instead it seems to have reverted from the prior offering.
Doing the different designs of the full set and running them as variations or parallels would have been the way to go - again, not my thing, but seems to be par for what this set would call for. Oh, and yes, a few dupes as shown above.
I do get a new for me Jay with Halladay, but again, the backs - understandably a bit stuck for space to add anything, do very little with what is provided and in a super tiny font. Again, not for me, but fine I guess for the overall design and flow of these cards - just not ones that will be sticking around in my collection if anyone is looking for a little start on the set though, let me know!
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