Saturday, March 22, 2025

Not My Pick

 Ending with four last packs of the 2023-24 Tim Hortons Duos packs...

Having seen most of the insert sets now, I think the Rink Rivals is my favourite for design and purpose. Picked up a few in these packs, and I like the look, feel, design and content - very nice overall. Backlund is the first duplicate base card, so small boo to that.

Last two packs...

Never going to complain about a SUper Mario card - very cool to see him on one side and Jagr on the other.... disrespect to Paul Coffey, who is an amazing Hall of Famer, but when you are doing a duo themed set, and Mario is on one side, and you need another Penguin on the other - there is only one choice. Why this isn't Jagr, I have no idea, but the card just feels wrong. Maybe I'm wrong...anyone else have a different thought/opinion on that one?

More Leaf content in this bunch, but the better "hit" came from the birthday packs I opened earlier which had a Captain Connections insert which had longer odds, so I get the overall closeness of the two bunches of packs.

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