Friday, January 17, 2025

The BASEball Lot

About a year ago, yet again on Kijiji, I came across a lot of what was pushed as being newer baseball base cards only - about 6 big boxes, for $100. Since there were many sets, and newer cards I don't pick up much, I figured it was a fun get to maybe start on a couple of newer base set builds, but also get some Jays, maybe some error cards depending on the set, and it's always fun to go through and share here.

When I got the boxes, it ends up being 2 5k boxes, 3 3200 count boxes and one 2400 count box, so I would guess in actual cards we are looking at about 20,000 cards, but my focus is going to be to see just how much of each set I actually pick up here as well as my usual measures. I may not work on building all of the sets, but we can see how much of each there is just from the lot. It's of interest to me, and fun because I love stats and numbers and baseball cards and new cards and....shall I go on?

I have gone through and basically got them together by set - in a perfect world, this means I will be able to look at each set itself, have full stats on it, and be done with it. Realistically, I may have the same set in two spots in the lots and have to update the numbers, but that's life, all good. I was debating going "in order" from earliest sets to newest sets (I think 2017-2021 covers 95% of what is here), but I didn't want to work in getting them in exact order, so no worries there.

Besides, it means I can knock off one set first that I'll happily go through over a week or so, but the one set will knock out an entire 5k count box - 2021 Topps. I can say, there is a lot of series one and a fair amount of series two, and I don't need to show every card. Some cards only show up once...others...

Why have a single Tatis when you can get 36! All base versions, no short prints, and for the set build I will work on, it means I have one for me and 35 for someone else. I would say for series 1, this is still high for the number of cards in the box, but to have 5-10 of any base isn't a surprise. There must have been some picking over done, as, in getting it organized, there are some missing cards still, but that's part of logging and looking, is to see just how complete this set is.

I have no idea how many days it will take to share through, and will stop and highlight and share as it feels fit to do, but let's start a walk through the 2021 Topps set

Going into the set just 18 cards, we have 17 with a rookie card being the one missing so far. I am guessing that may be a theme, but we will have to see. I am guessing stars are still all going to be here, it is just base cards, so I get that as they really aren't of high value if someone was speculating and pulling, though sometimes they still get pulled as they are easier to move/sell of course. A good start though, and we get to our first Jay as I had 3 of the Shun cards before this lot, I added another one as seen above.

Oh, and these fourteen other copies too! I know some people wouldn't care about the quantities, but I find it pretty awesome!

Just to try it out, here's how I will be tracking / stat-ing this lot....

I expect on products like Bowman, if nothing else, there will be "inserts" that many consider base so think that we will see some non-base cards, but time will tell!

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