Still a bunch of trades to share, so a couple small PWEs for today. First up, some Jays from TCDB member trouttrader.
A few goodies between the Bo manufactured "medallion" type card and a SN to 125 Ryu black UK card. Definitely things I wouldn't have come across in the wild to add to my collection.
The George Springer Topps Chrome 35th Anniversary with the 1987 design is a solid one and done Jays insert "team" set, so that's a cool pick up too.
A second trade to share today as it is only two cards. I usually don't do trades for just a couple cards, but they were interesting enough, so I figure why not.
The die cut Lawrie was neat enough. I am a sucker for die cuts, so a big thank you to TCDB member ronsolo1 for this trade.
Miss Kawasaki's interviews. Those were always entertaining.