Saturday, August 5, 2023

Daughter BDay Jays

 A win all around today as we have a small run of Jays from the COVID lot, and today is my youngest child's 10th birthday! Time flies, and kids growing up just makes it go quicker. I can't believe we have a 12 and 10 year old, and remember them more as young children, not tweens.

Enough about kids though, and more about childhood, with some Jays from the days of my childhood.

Not a surprise that the Upper Deck Jays are not new to me, but as it turns out Fernandez and the Score bottom row, are all great new additions.

A blast to get dupes like this too since I keep and collect them, especially when I go from none of a card to four, like Devon.

I'd talk more about the Jays - and the nice use of red for special occasions, like Canada Day, though I think they use it more now than they use to, but I have a birthday girl t go entertain for the day!


  1. Hope your daughter enjoyed her special day!

    1. She had a good day, and liked that SummerSlan was on her birthday and she got to stay up and watch most of it.

  2. Happy birthday to your daughter! Enjoy them now before they get all teenagery!

    1. Yes....the glimpses are enough....already scared of the teenage times ahead!
