Monday, August 7, 2023

Solid Hands PCs

The COVID lot today has three different players with small PCs starts...or at least, looks like that is what it was for someone at some point. I get to see if anything works for my sets, but let's look at the players.

Alex started his career with the White Sox, and finished with Florida - spending a total of about 10 years (10 playing years over a span of 11 years). Alex was a solid starting pitcher for Chicago for a number of years, and even kept it up through the final years with Florida.

Alex was never an MVP, but someone that was a solid part of the team.

As for the cards shown above, almost all are Chicago related and heavy on the early 90s, but not a surprise there.

Next up...

Dave Fleming did not last as long, or play as well as Alex, but for a couple years, he was "there" - in 1992 and 1993. He sputtered and after 4 and a half years with Seattle, a short stint with the Royals was all to end his career after the 1995 season.

Lastly, and most dependably from the group...

I remember Jim most for his time in the 90s with California/Anaheim, but he spent just as long (a bit longer actually), with St. Louis. Jim won a number of golden glove awards, even a silver slugger award, and was in the top 5 for MVP voting a couple years as well.

Jim hit almost 400 career home runs, with a .284 career average, but never did get a World Series to his name unfortunately.

Now, all that said, what do these cards do for me and my collection? Well, with a handful of set helpers, and the Fleming Scouting Report insert...not too bad considering I'm not a PC guy.

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe I am blanking on Alex Fernandez, but 11 years in the bigs and I don't recall him somehow. Edmonds though was one of the first players I ever saw live when the Angels visited the Yankees at the old stadium in 1996. I don't PC him, but I don't turn down his inserts either lol.
