Saturday, October 5, 2024

Value In The Village - 2018-19 Timmies

 Well, this one is a very quick one as I can show you all of the cards from this year in a single scan...

Ten baggies of cards from Value Village, and just 6 cards from this year's set. I guess it works out amazingly that they are a single Leaf card and a 5 card insert set. I did have one copy of the insert set already, but I don't want to split this set up, so I'll just make it two.

I will probably get rid of copies of sets at some point, but it's hard when there is a Leaf card in the set because I don't want to let any of them go.

No help to the base set as I already had Morgan, but all good, and much more potential help tomorrow when looking at the 2019-20 base set.

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