So - the pack for those who don't know it...

The early 90s classic design reflected in these cards. Basic and straight forward, but nothing that I feel too much either way about. Modano in a Dallas uniform with the Red Wing symbol - classic "end of days" sign on a career. Funny the first card is of a player who had a card in the retro look inspiration set too...

Doug wasn't quite around I don't believe for the inspiration set as I think he was a year late.

I'll assume no relation to Hugh...

Nice action shot, though may have been much better if pulled out a bit.

And drum roll for the last couple cards of interest...

Based on stats alone this means a hot rookie would need to play a game and get a point based on his stats on the back. I wonder how they choose these rookies - if it is a contest for those selecting to try and get the most obscure person who then ends up being a superstar so the card is so much more in demand...

This is the glossy parallel version, so it gets a spot in the collection which is nice, and makes this a Bruin fan pack given the last two cards. I'm not sure the commemoration needed a card, but can't disagree with the commemoration itself.
Decent pack given the insert, but nothing too special - maybe next time!
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