Friday, October 6, 2023

70s Help From Sandyrusty

 Today, we have some 70s baseball I received in a trade with TCDB member sandyrusty. As I came across a bunch of 1978 O Pee Chee in the cards that local collector Jeff provided to me, I started that set build, and sandyrusty's trade brought in some more cards from that set and a couple Jays additions as well.

It may be a simple design, but I think the leader design works, just showing 2 pictures. Three can work at times, but I prefer the top in each league type format.

As I had mentioned when going through the cards, seems a bunch of the Expos is what I was missing along with some others, but we cover some of the Expos coming in with this trade - sweet!

I don't have a lot of pre-80s cards in my trade list, but would be happy to stack a trade of newer cards for trade in getting more of the 1978 O Pee Chee cards my way, and besides, would be happy sending out more than I get to reduce what I have here as well.

Thanks for the great trade sandyrusty!


  1. I agree, league leader cards are almost always better when just focusing the two guys to lead each league in whatever category.
