Friday, January 19, 2024

A Baker's 20

 wbaker01 reached out on TCDB looking for some hockey cards, and offering up some baseball in exchange, which works just fine for me and led to the following additions to my collection.

A couple more adds for 1982 Topps, Roger being a one and done Jays insert team set for A&G, and he let me know he wasn't sure if the Blair was a Tiffany parallel or not (same with Bell below). They were listed as Tiffany, but I doubted as well, and when they came by, neither were. It can be very hard to tell if you don't have a normal and Tiffany side by side.

Blair was easier to tell because the O Pee Chee name on the back for manufacturing showed easy enough it was the O Pee Chee version, not the Topps Tiffany. Bell was a bit harder, but the glossy front of Tiffany can be seen with light reflection - and I could compare to the other Bell cards I have, and it was no different.

The electric diamond Upper Deck parallels are very nice as always, but the cards that are a first for my collection are...

These gold star parallels from 2020 Topps which apparently are only found in Walmart retail factory sets. They are nice, but annoying to exist - I mean, having to look for certain parallels in only certain releases at certain stores is a bit over the top. It does make for great reason to trade with people though!

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