Friday, January 12, 2024

Boosters From Oren

 The last bits of cards from Oren, and what we have are...three booster packs of Magic cards!

As blatantly put on the front, the Lost Caverns of Isalan is a set tied to Jurassic World, so you will see tie ins to the characters and world that is Jurassic World/Park, etc. Was lucky with past packs from Oren, so we shall see today, but one pack makes it to my pack collection as I hadn't gotten one logged in yay!

Pack 1:

Well, one keeper for me from the first pack - the Captivating Cave with it's colourless mana, so a nice pick up there. The rare isn't anything spectacular as the Sunken Citadel land doesn't quite fit my collection, and not a hit. As for the set, a great example of the tie in is Belligerent Yearling - yeah, big on dinosaurs, not a surprise there. Overall, an okay pack and heavy on red, but did get a list card with the Troll, but again, nothing much value or artifact wise on the first one.

Pack 2:

The art cards are pretty, though pointless. Heavy on green....

Another list card with Cave Sense, but nothing again for myself. The Landmark card is CLOSE, but it is a "white" cost to cast, so doesn't fit my artifact collection. Hey, can't win them all, but really like seeing a lot of the artwork and appreciate the Jurassic World tie ins, done pretty well overall.

Again - big thank you to Oren for the wonderful cards and by now a return package is on the way to you, or with you already...hope it provides even a little something for you in return for what was an amazing package of cards - thank you!

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