Monday, January 1, 2024

New Indeed!

 So it is yet another new year - 2024 - and what will it bring? I have no idea. I will say my focus is not on collecting this year as I need to reduce how much I am giving to my work, and focus on trying to figure out some help for the kids and family - side note - mental health is important and still overlooked, and in this day and age, I think a lot of kids are going through what to them is a difficult time (not saying it isn't difficult, but that I know I cannot compare it to what I think is a difficult time, as it's how they perceive it that's really of importance).

I do expect to post daily still as I do try and keep some time for myself to center and put myself first to NOT be lost in everything else going on, and I like to focus on the hobby, though I don't expect trading to be as busy, but that's okay too.

Keeping with new, we have a mostly new to me set as I do have a couple Jays, but think these are the first bunch of cards to come out of the COVID lot for this set - 2000 Fleer Focus.

About 40 cards all in, but here's a taste of the cards front and back, for those not familar with the set. I like the hat/team logo use, and the white bordering isn't too bad. Might reduce the Fleer Focus logo size, but otherwise an alright design.

Not sure if I like or dislike the team colouring on the background as the logo isn't too shabby, and I think it does well to not make the stats hard to read. Maybe adding a line or two of test/bio  where stats are limited and that would be about it I could ask for.

Solid looking cards, so any collectors, just let me know.


  1. Best wishes to you and everyone for a healthy and happy 2024

  2. Have to see what I'm missing from that set. Remember that I enjoyed going after it awhile ago.
