Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Great Two

 Well, if I am going to get a duplicate insert, could do worse that dead centre on this one...

I'm sure I won't have an issue finding a new home for Gretzky, but best of the three packs today is the first Canvas insert. These are one per six packs, so should end up with two if the odds are correct. Very much like the Upper Deck UD inserts of course, nicely done and very much feel like one of my favourite sets, 2008-09 Upper Deck Masterpieces. Oh Masterpieces, how great some of those sets were.

Just three more packs to go, and I'll have my little start done on this set....and then just a matter of trying to trade for the rest.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to be the home for that spare Gretzky.
