Monday, July 15, 2024

Generally Successful

 Since we have a complete base set, save for the YoungGuns, we know we are just looking for Leafs and inserts.

Deja Vu as we just had Vesey in the last pack, but let's take another today as well.

Good news I guess is that we shot a bit above expectations with the number of YoungGun cards in the 17 packs as we ended up with 5. Glenn has made an appearance or two each year in the NHL with the rest of his time in the AHL. Just not quite making the jump to the NHL with a consistent spot.

We can update the openings and where this box placed compared to my other new product opening...

The fact so much of the cards were going to be duplicates brought the score down, and with no significant hits in the box, it came in right where I would expect it would. So good news is, I am happy with the scoring, while the bad news is that the box didn't score higher.

All good though - love having the different things to share and open regardless.

1 comment:

  1. My lord, I forgot just how ugly those Leaf alternate sweaters were. In the list of things I never thought I would say - give me the Justin Bieber ones please.
