Saturday, July 20, 2024

This Likely Won't Go Well

 Last of the single packs in my Pastime Sports purchase from a few months back, and this pack is for a set I am NOT collecting, so this may be hard to come away well from.

At least it's a nice looking package, shiny and green.

Also a reminder of how basic the backs of packs use to be - no insertion ratios or odds taking up half the real estate, and yet no mail in offers taking up a large part either.

Inside, oh yes, there were cards...

There is a star performer insert card in each pack, so no "special" value to it, though it is one I do need, and I mean, it's Neon Deion! I wasn't a huge fan, but could appreciate his accomplishments across sports. Him playing for Atlanta didn't help put him in my good books either.

For the rest of the pack - no Jays, no Expos, and no write ups on the backs of the cards instead going for the fuller picture and minimal stat look. I don't mind the larger logo for the team, but the licensing ones don't need to be so massive.

Definitely the worst of the bunch so far with nothing of much value to my collecting, coming out of the pack. It happens, and still like opening a variety of products, but maybe the next opening will be a bit better.


  1. The way the baseball version has a different color border is much better than the hockey version which the only difference being the banner. When I first got some I thought that they were base card subset until I discovered different people with the same number.
