So today I figured - before the year is out - I would at least do a run through of what I got, though a number of things will get opened later.
Santa (a great guy who doesn't leave out the parents when coming to leave gifts for the kids) was nice enough to bring me the following items...

Yeah, this is the big one. Revised was the set that I started in on with Magic. I remember buying some of these for a few bucks each - thankfully coming from Santa - not a concern here on how much it cost, though I think they are going for about $80CDN for a pack these days. Thrilled though because my goal for unopened Magic packs from this set onward, so having this starting point in place feels great.
Santa's stocking also included:

As well as what looked like the contents of an assorted box of 11 baseball card packs, including an extra "item". The extra item was...

and as for the packs that were in the stocking, I received the following:

One pack, but a definite add to the unopened pack collection.

Same to be said with this - added to the unopened pack collection.

Another for the collection. I haven't opened any of these before either - a shame only fetting the one so I won't be opening it...

Two packs of 2014 Panini Perennial Draft Picks so, one to keep unopened, one to be put aside for opening at a later time.

Same as the draft pick pack above, have two of these, and will keep one.

Four packs....sigh....I guess these were so bad that they were given to Santa in bulk to give away...heck, I've still open them myself some time in the future.
The last gift, card related, I got from my wife and it was more repack goodness...

Excellent packs in the windows, and I love these because with the 10 packs, you almost always get 10 different packs. So let's see what we have, what we will be keeping, and what we might be opening later...

I hadn't seen these before, and this is one of a few 2015 related pick ups for the unopened packs coming out of this box.

Not from 2015, and at least I have a few cards from the set, but this is the first pack I've seen...KEEP...

These are pretty packs. I only have a single card (a Jay of course) - KEEP for this pack.

Yeah - will be opening this one at another time - you'll see I already have it in my collection - but that is for another post (tomorrow).

Another one for opening later...

I like A&G and don't buy much if any, which is why I haven't got any of 2015 in my collection, and didn't have this pack until now.

I've been able to get most of my Jays needs covered from these sets through trades, and haven't opened any of these types of packs otherwise, so these all go to the keepers for now, though I did get 2 Series 2 packs, so one of those for later.
From my mom and brother, I picked up a couple other card related items. First was a binder from a pawn shop which they picked up for a few bucks and contained most of 1991 Leaf and 1991 Ultra sets - since I had some of these cards beforehand, I am now at:
1991 Leaf - down to 7 cards
1991 Ultra - down to 7 cards
Nothing major in either of these, so I should be able to get these fairly easily.
In addition to these there were the following cards which were alright as well:

Lastly, they gave me 12 2016-17 Tim Horton's hockey packs like this:

So I will keep one and open the rest in the near future right here on the blog!
So all in, a nice little Christmas for myself, and glad to add a dozen new baseball packs to the collection, as well as the Magic booster and getting to sets close to completion, even if they are just "junk era" ones. A good way to end the year.