Thursday, March 7, 2024

1994 Donruss Baseball

 COVID lot cards are from one set and are essentially some stars with some copies of each.

We do get one Jay addition, and actually a card I didn't have with Mark Eichhorn who was a great bullpen arm for the Jays.

Most of the cards though are of nice stars, like Piazza and Yount with multiple copies of each. Maybe these were the remnants of star dupes someone had, or potentially collected just star cards, but trade fodder they are for me.

One of my favourite second basemen with Ryne, and a couple power hitters of the early 90s too, so can understand these being considered star cards.

I wouldn't say Salomon was a star, but he did last in the MLB for 12 seasons, though interestingly enough it was in 2 very different stints - 1993-1997 and 2002-2008. 2002-2008 was all with Pittsburgh. He had a first retirement, a bit of time when he decided to make a comeback, first playing in Korea and the DOmincan league. An interesting story, but nice he got a decent second go for his major league career.

Okay, maybe not all stars, but Bobby is a good way to end the stars. I like the front photo on his card too - zoned in for a catch.

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