Saturday, March 16, 2024

I Tip My Hat

 Well, touché there COVID lot, touché.

I say something about not wanting just Hab keepers, and the lot does me one better - just a whole freaking bunch of Hab cards. Again, a handful of base set helpers from some 2000s sets that slowly get a little closer to being completed, but "best" keeper is definitely...

I would say it has to be one of my top 10 favourite set designs. I know the die cut cards card be a bit of a gimmick, but with the large logo and cutting around it for each team, I don't know, I just really really love all of the base cards from the McDonald's set. I know it isn't a "classic" design and doesn't have the nostalgia factor, but I'd like seeing a similar set released again now and I'd be all over it.

Below - not so all over, though dupes of the above are okay I guess.

Can I beg anyone to take these unwanted things away from me?

Forgive me COVID lot, but may I have something better next pull?


  1. This is the best post you've had in a long time! As a Habs fan, I cringe at the all Leafs posts, lol. Unfortunately I don't collect any of those players though
