Another case of, "there isn't much for me but it is an interesting pack". I'd keep any inserts, but that is about it - the base cards would be nice, but nothing specific for me - I am not going to be going after the complete 80 card base set here.

Ok, this may not be the rally monkey from the 2017 Topps set, but this isn't half bad for a start.

Not the greatest fashion look, but as far as the cards go, the colouring used does fairly nicely for keeping with the tone of the set and something reminiscent of the Babe Ruth erc.

I will say, the variety of shots are nice given the entire 80 card set is all Babe Ruth.

From one of the two insert sets - this is the (obviously) Quotables insert set. Nice that the back goes on to talk about Babe Ruth hitting a three run home run on the opening day.

Lastly, a card from the other 10 card insert set of Career Achievements. I like the dark border here, a nice touch and though different from the base set, keeps enough of the same tone.
Overall - actually not a bad pack. You can get boxes for about $40CDN from the US - likely $30US I assume within the States, and to basically complete the 80 card set and get some of the inserts (maybe all 20 in a perfect world) it isn't a bad go for the way some of the prices for boxes are these days.
I also like this as a better overall set related to a player than the Pete Rose set from a few years ago in 2012.
Totally agree with the Rose comment. And basically everything you said. I like em.