Nothing like opening some new hockey cards as we get close to the end of June. I have a few of these on hand which I have picked up over the last few months as it is always nice to dip into opening something. I actually was recently at Dollarama and they have a couple new card related items. They have BASEBALL cards!!! 80 random cards for $3 - not bad, so I picked up three right away in case I never see them again. They also have 100 Magic cards for $4. Compared to 10 cards for a dollar, I presume there will be more commons in those, and some lands, but I picked one up to see if they were worth the fuss. For the baseball, I made sure to see at least on Jay quickly on each, and for the Magic cards, at least one artifact - though I am sure there will be more. Would be curious for any fellow Canucks out there, if they have seen the same at Dollarama just so I know if these are new and will be out there regularly or if I should scoop up any I see. Either way, the packs I picked up...those are for another day though. For today...
As for today - here is the pack (you will never guess what the first card is!):
So what does a successful pack look like to me? Well, a majority of cards that I don't have is ideal. Getting at least one Leaf or insert as well. If I can get those two things, I can't complain about the pack - let's see how today's goes...

He flies through the air with the greatest of ease...and into my collection as I didn't have this 2014-15 Upper Deck card.

Great photo, excellent player in Mike Modano, but I did already have this 1991-92 Pro Set Platinum card (set is around 64% complete actually).

Well here is the insert for the pack, so that one is met, and I needed it (as much as I need any insert). I only have a few of these 1994-95 Parkie Golds.

Does ANYONE need these 1990-91 Bowman hockey cards? I have a complete set, and I believe a complete Leaf team set also.

As far as singles go - don't see a lot of Score traded hockey cards, and as I have the complete set, don't need this 1990-91 Traded card.

Another set I already have completed so another card I don't need - 1991-92 O Pee Chee.

This is an exciting card - a good photo of a good player from a set I only have two other cards from.2003-04 Topps isn't the prettiest bordered card, but is right in the heart of the time for which I don't have a lot of hockey cards from, so that works out well.

Back to back goalie cards, and fairly new to my collection sets. This card is from 2000-01 Pacific Private Stock and as suggested by the name, is on thick cardboard which feels very nice. First card I have from this set.

Back to back to back goalies! 2002-03 Be A Player All-Star Edition. The colour works well for the card, nicely accentuates the All-Star game colour.

Already have this one in my collection...

Surprised to see another card from a set I have completed - 1991-92 Score American Efition - though still a decent card for a base card subset.

I was going to say I don't need this one, as per above, completed this set already, however this is an error card and thus a keeper (leader stat on the back isn't highlighted as such).

Still need about 200 cards from this set, but this isn't one of them for 1991-92 Upper Deck.

Boo - minor league hockey which I don't collect

Boo - see above, however with the heroes aspect of the set, a begrudging keeper...
Well, unfortunately this pack falls short of being a success with too many duplicates (and the couple minor league cards as well). Oh well, still really nice with the three back to back goalies in the middle though...
A quick pick me up...these arrived on Friday from a Listia win. Actually, I had won a couple card from the set I am looking to finish, and he asked what else I needed - happened he had a few Leafs I needed dupes of, so not closer to finishing the set, but I did get...

I didn't know, and he didn't say, the Johnson was a golden portrait version which was a parallel for the set. Definitely wanted it , just didn't know it was what I was getting. Anyway, a nice pick up!
You know what...since I still have a few minutes to spare, let me also show another Value Village pickup. I don't have much 1995-96 Score Hockey, so I picked up a bag I saw there for a couple bucks. Looked like just a chunk of base cards...which it was...but I did get the following....

A number of Leafs I didn't have before. Going through the cards, it's funny - all the Canadiens were missing, so I gather these came from a Montreal team collector.
Just to show some other base cards...

The design if alright - a bit too much white-ing out from the design, especially noticed on the Burke card. Less noticed on cards like Tkachuk, but still takes a bit away from the photos.
In all, 143 cards I needed for the base set. Adding these with what I had, I am at 218 of 330. Not yet at the point to chase completion, but getting there.