I like the border, I like the blue background on the card, but together....meh....Still, really happy to have the card and a good pickup, so not complaining, just the colours don't work for me.
So today we continue what we started yesterday with a couple more packages which were all 1990-91. I misremembered thinking the second series was where I was missing more cards, and was wrong as is evident here. Although I still was able to get a number of error cards to include with that binder outside of the complete set, there were many more dupes I won't go through here.
What I will share are the needs filled, so with no further ado, here we go...

A number of needed team cards. Rather than the team photo, the simple graphic works well enough. Love the facts and team info on the back of these, simple, and should be done more these days. Being a massive set of 705 cards, they threw everything in including coaches, referees as well as the expected all stars and HOFers.

Still a Toronto contingent for the group of cards, again, at this point generally ensuring I have ones for the full set as well as for the team set.

Again, a number of error cards, but the best one to me is getting the Gretzky 2,000 point card. I remember this card and back then thinking it was a big deal with the 2,000 on it. Never did get it back then, but I do now!
So with that done, I know there are some bits of 1990-91 Pro Set in the remaining packs, but not in as great numbers. At this point we are at about 84% complete, so definitely getting close enough to try and finish, or at least add all missing cards to the want list!
I love the team cards in this set. I was given about two thirds of them back in 2015 and reading them was my first real introduction to the history of the teams. Not knowing, of course, that in less than two years time I would get into the sport in a big way.