Okay base, but something in this pack I seem to come across more often than not...

Getting a parallel and the same card in base form, within the same pack. I don't know if there is anything to it and how the collation works, but I have come across this a few times in the packs I've opened in the last year or two. Maybe just dumb luck, I'm not sure, but is interesting to see when it happens, especially like this, when the cards are literally side by side.

Next insert is the second MVP Award Winner card, this one of Trout - nice names for the insert set, which isn't a surprise since it looks at MVPs. At first glance, I found it hard to tell whether this was the normal or Red version, silly team colour being red and all.

We end with a new to me insert - postseason celebrations. Again, interesting topic and card and I like the thought of documenting here a first World Series win. Design is a bit blah, but can't win them all I guess.
4 Packs, 40 cards, 130 points.
Watched a guy open a pack of Chrome on YT last night and he pulled a Gary Sanchez base card and the matching refractor. 50% of the pack was Gary Sanchez.