Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Closing Day

Today we get the final few cards from 1999 Topps Opening Day. Well, no guarantees I guess, but final cards for now from the lot.

Unfortunately, but not surprising, a number of cards from the little subsets at the end seem to be MIA. I love the Sosa 66 card and sad I missed the McGwire. I remember that chase fondly, even if, looking back, the steroid situation about it taints it, at the time, it was awesome to watch and follow.

As for the set itself, I went from having essentially none of it, to 129 of 165 cards - over 78%. I'd consider that nice set progression.

The other keepers today, 1992-93 Parkhurst - one of those slow builds..like...almost 30 years slow.

As for the not so keepers...

Here are a couple sets I haven't seen much of. Finest, and 2201-02 Upper Deck Vintage. A neat set for sure, and does the vintage look well which is a solid requirement for a set called Vintage. Not enough to start collecting this one - I mean - the set is 300 cards, so could see enough to make it worth pursuing, but time will tell.

Here we have 1994 Action Packed Monday Night Football. This is a small, 71 card set packed with big names and Hall of Famers.

I was going to say the player cards are decent enough...then we get the announcers and....I don't know what to think of this subset. I like the idea, but I don't know what throws me off more - Don's coat or the Dan Dierdorf mask. Don't worry - had to read the back for what was going on, and appreciate it being a laughing moment of jest, but as a card, definitely took a double take.


  1. The Home Run Race of 1998 was awesome! Such a great time for the sport. Never seen those AP announcers cards. The mask card is very interesting.

    1. I think most sports fans got caught up in the '98 race, and even some non-sports fans too. It may have some tarnished views in retrospect, but at the time was thrilling.
