Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Continuing Success

 I have to say, this gift box/bundle may be one of the better Magic purchases I have made as the Artifact cards continue to roll in...

With there just being 12 cards in a pack, well, plus two others with the token slot and an art card), getting four keeper cards in a pack is amazing!

I have talked about the retro frame artifacts before, but I do really love those and they look so great. Not sure how much use I would have of any of these cards in a deck, but that isn't really the point.

I remember when pulling a Planeswalker card was extremely rare and they were top end cards, now there are so many, they have their place but many are only a buck or two like this one here.

I do like the art card here, but it's from a white card and not an artifact, so not a keeper. Similarly, nice foil card, but not one for my collection.

The last card is for purposes of having the Magic normal back of the card visible in case you have a double sided card, so it doesn't stick out when using clear card protectors with your deck. Would think it's still a problem if you keep it in the sleeve at the same time since it would double the size of that "card" and be more obvious, but I don't play to be able to advise if that really happens or matters.

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